vendredi 11 juin 2010

Annie's Top 5 (English)

1-Who am I?
I am Annie, a little mermaid from Les Escoumins, in the North coast of Québec, Canada. I traveled miles from St-Lawrence River to Aegean Sea to transform myself into a multidisciplinary artist and establish myself in Montreal. My specialty? Metamorphosis! If you know how to look, I am going to let you see the thousand women that are just waiting to express themselves through me…

2-I love MRG because…
When I was working at the Scene and Screen arts new technology Laboratory at Université Laval (LANTISS), I was collaborating with multimedia researchers and I was dreaming of that day, when virtual reality technologies would be developed enough, so I could make the invisible visible, and in front of witnesses, show the fantastic hidden side of reality. This great dream, MRG is about to help me make it come true sooner than I expected!

3-Why vote for me?
I am a team girl and I am going to do everything possible to make a solid team of us! Forget about reality shows where everybody is just concerned about bitching each other : here, we fraternize and we give the best of ourselves as a group, because this is how we can be stronger! I am a fighter who doesn’t wait for her dreams to come true by themselves and I am going to materialize my fantasy in front of your eyes! And who knows? Maybe my dreams are going to help you accomplish yours? This is what I hope at least!

4-My selectorial promises
Shock your imagination, make you dream, throw you off your balance with illusions that go beyond fiction, unveil the magic of this world. I know the secrets of videoscenic and performance that can make reality more real than nature and I am going to bring you in a world where Goddesses rise from their ashes through me and my splendid game partners that YOU are going to elect in the Top 5. And I am going to help you cross the frontier of reality to join us in the reality of fiction. Because we are real, and it’s time for us to share our divine secrets with you… So welcome to our world ;-).

5-How to vote
a) Select Annie in the VOTESEL menu of the website and click on vote!
b) Become a member of this blog and send me a word and make me win 10 votes!

So sea you soon, and I’ll be waiting for you!
Annie, MRG Candidate

13 commentaires:

  1. Bravo Annie! Magniique! Dimitra- Grece

  2. Bravo Annie je suis fiere de toi.dolores

  3. Go Annie go!!! You're the best!

  4. kathie Mainville14 juin 2010 à 11 h 58

    Belle en dedant,belle en dehors,intelligente une p tite fille de chez nous qui est rendu loin j me réjouis du chemin que tu as pris.Ma chere amie tu fais partie de ma vie , de mes souvenirs, de mes plus beaux moments d enfance.C est avec tout mon coeur que je te dit bonne chance et je t aime.C e projet en est un parmis tant d autre ,tu t en vas loin Annie,ta un bel avenir j pence a tout les jours a toi :) xxx de kathie,ton amie pour la vie .)

  5. Alors, des meilleurs vœux pour la candidature d'Annie, de Thessalonique!!

  6. Merci so much φίλοι! LOL
    You make me happy and willing to keep going!

  7. Je suis avec toi aussi Annie!!! Comme dit Kathy; une petite fille qui vient de loin ;)

  8. Thanus for Annie, keep on going for the home straight !!

  9. Annie... I want you to win this contest! I'm with you in this effort... :)

  10. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  11. Αννι!Θα σκισεις!!!ανυπομονω να σε δω!keep going!!!!!!!!!

  12. Je vote pour Annie, la belle sirène qui ravi tous les coeurs ! Cynth
